Daylight saving time

Daylight saving time (DST), also known as summer time, is a widely used system of adjusting the official local time forward, usually by one hour from its official standard time, for the spring, summer, and early autumn periods. This is a system carried out in 70 countries worldwide, being Japan the only industrialized country that has not been adapted to it yet.

Daylight saving time tries to reduce global energy consumption, synchronizing the beginning of the labor day with the natural sunlight.

The idea of the DST was first implemented by the German government during the First World War, to save oil. This situation was repeated in 1973, during the crisis of petroleum, when most of the industrialized countries adopted the same system to face the complicated situation.

In Spain, this system was adopted in 1974, although the current regulation arrived with the European directive 2000/84, which among other things unifies the days in which the changes of time in all the countries of the European Union take place, being these the last Sunday of March and October, respectively.

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